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    AbgelaufenGratis „I Can’t Breathe“ Popsocket zzgl. 2,16€ Versand

    2,16€ inkl. Versand 9,99€ zzgl. Versand zum Deal

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    Im Offiziellen Pop Socket Store gibt es nun ein Gratis Popsocket mit der Aufschrift I Can’t Breathe. ihr müsst euch lediglich an den Versandkosten von 2,16€ beteiligen. Eigentlich kostet so ein Popsocket 9,99 zzgl. Versandkosten. Somit spart ihr hier ca. 7€.

    Dieser Pop Socket erinnert an der Ermordung von Georg Floyd und den rassistischen Aufständen in den Vereinigten Staaten.

    Pro Tag werden nur 2.000 Pop Sockets pro Tag verschenkt. Schnell sein lohnt sich also hier.

    Englische Beschreibung

    Wow, you really showed up! We are happily overwhelmed with orders for our first 50,000 “I Can’t Breathe” PopGrips in only 6 days! We will release another 2,000 grips daily at 9 am CET and will continue to do so until further notice. Thank you for supporting the fight for racial justice

    On May 25, 2020, George Floyd—a 46-year-old black man from Minneapolis, Minnesota— died after Derek Chauvin, a white police officer, pressed his knee to Floyd’s neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds while Floyd was handcuffed face down in the street. As Floyd lay dying, he uttered the words “I can’t breathe” repeatedly until his final breath. He wasn’t the first but we hope he will be the last.

    The phrase „I can’t breathe“ has become a rallying cry for change. We at PopSockets stand in solidarity with the fight against systemic racism and hope to encourage others to use their voice to do the same. We are offering this exclusive PopGrip for free to anyone who wants one so that they may continue to voice their desire for change.

    Limit 4 per person. For bulk requests (50+) please complete this donation form.

    Free product available while supplies last.

    PopSockets statement in support of Black Lives Matter and against racism and white supremacy

    We are appalled by the murder of George Floyd and the larger pattern of racism, as well as the culture of white supremacy. This is not only about George Floyd but what has been happening in our nation to Black people for over 400 years, including the oppression, discrimination, and violence that Black people have faced and continue to face today. We stand in solidarity against racism, white supremacy, and violence, and we back and support BLM, as not all lives can matter until Black lives matter.

    We are onboarding two new Poptivism charities focused on racial equality, for which 100 % of sales will be donated.

    We are committed to creating and maintaining a diverse and respectful workplace for our people and partners, free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and violence. This includes creating a safe environment for discussion around these painful events, racial inequality—especially as it relates to the continued oppression of, and discrimination against, Black people—and what we can do at PopSockets to make a positive impact on this horrific problem.

    We know there is more to do, and we are committed to continued positive change. #BlackLivesMatter #icantbreathe #georgefloyd


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    Gratis „I Can’t Breathe“ Popsocket zzgl. 2,16€ Versand
    Gratis „I Can’t Breathe“ Popsocket zzgl. 2,16€ Versand
    2,16€ inkl. Versand 9,99€ zzgl. Versand
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